Matea Turalija

Scientific interests
- Quantum and classical mechanics of atoms and molecules, molecular dynamics simulation
- Parallel and distributed computing, algorithms on exascale supercomputers
PhD research progress
- Turalija, M., Petrović, M. & Kovačić, B. Towards General-Purpose Long-Timescale Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Exascale Supercomputers with Data Processing Units. in 2022 45th International Convention on Information, Communication, and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 300–306 (2022). doi:10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803537
Co-authored talks
- Molecular dynamics simulation for exascale supercomputing era: scientific research and software engineering challenges. Presented by Vedran Miletić. Invited lecture at the Computational Chemistry Day in Zagreb, Croatia, 16th of September, 2023.
- Extending Non-Equilibrium Pulling Method in GROMACS with Arbitrary User-Defined Atom Weight Factor Expressions. Presented by Vedran Miletić. Third Infinity 2022, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, 23rd of September 2022
Research projects
Teaching activities
- Medical Informatics (Medicine)
- Informatics for Pharmacists (Pharmacy)
- Health Informatics (Environmental and Public Health)
- Medical Informatics (Medical Laboratory Diagnostics)
Popularization of science
Social networks